Week 4: Your Thoughts, Internet Exhaustion

 After posting my last blog and engaging in a Flickr exercise for the class it got me thinking of posting another blog with feelings and emotions to my internet exhaustion. If for no other reason to see if you all had any reactions to the posts or information shared below..

Me Right Now: 

The Button I Wish I Could Hit: 

In an effort to incorporate yet another class digital tool, here is a thread I found on reddit about Internet Fatigue. Does this resonate with anyone else?


  1. Indeed it can be very exhausting at times. I am a frequent user of social media (like Instagram and Facebook) during my free time or before my bed time. But after joining this course, I had a decline frequency in opening up these apps on my mobile phone (my iPhone recently have been sending me weekly screen time data and it has been declining). Now I am just using these tools mainly for the coursework and also learning to establish a personal learning community for the rest of my program.

    1. Happy to hear your screentime is declining. In engaging in conversation with another classmate we found that screentime was inclining on ours due to the course content and exercises. This means I could cut down my social Web 2.0 engagement to balance it out.

  2. Yes, your post rings a bell! and it relates in some way with one of the tweet of our classmates this week: https://twitter.com/GabHaggins/status/1666928034027565057?s=20
    This is something that triggers a lot of personal reflections actually: I feel really overwhelmed although a lot of those tools are not new to me. But testing them a bit everyday for academic purposes makes it less spontaneous and more "another task to do". This week, I admit this is too much. And not just because it reduces my amount of sleep which is already really small, but it's mostly because I cannot reflect about my personal experience on Web 2.0 as I just don't have time to process. I guess this is part of the experiment. And at some point, I was forced to take a break of some of those tools for the week. And I really don't like being forced to give up.
    I hope next weeks will be less crazy so I learn more about new tools or new ways to use familiar tools.

    1. Hey Marion, I feel all of that and am with you. It is not just spontaneous logging in for fun, they are tasks. We got this, one week at a time.

  3. I am totally feeling Web 2.0 fatigue. Many personal events have taken place this week. This and completing online tasks for the course have been pretty tiring. I have been trying to find a better way to balance it all...but I haven't come up with an efficient technique!


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