Blog 1: Week 1

 Hello everyone - 

This is my first ever blog - kind of hard to believe, given I have been utilizing social media platforms and the internet since the early 2000's. When I was answering the discussion post this week I chose to talk about definitions, I always feel like definitions are a foundational part of every course. In keeping with traditional foundation theme for this too - I thought I would use my first blog to tell you the first time I started using social media platforms and if I still use them today and in what capacity. 

1. Myspace: YOU GUYS, I think this was like 2004, but cannot even remember anymore and obviously do not still use it because it does not exist.

2. Facebook: I jumped on that bandwagon right when it was launched in 2006 because I was a senior in high school but already had my college email address so was able to create an account. Back in the day when you had to have a college email address because it was meant for that community. I still have my account to this day. 

3. Instagram: 2010 right when it came out. I thought,  how niche, just pictures! I got so into taking pictures of my food and now I still do that.... I still have an Instagram account, however that is my only private personal social media account so I do not usually share it. 

4. Pinterest: I believe I started Pinterest in like 2012, I believe it started in 2010, but I started perusing food and yard decor in 2012 - and I find that is all I still use it for today.

5. Snap Chat: Eh, bleh, no thank you. All words I used to describe the platform I downloaded and used for one month in 2017, never to be opened again. 

6. LinkedIn: I believe I joined LinkedIn around 2015 or 2016. It was when I was in my beginning years of working in higher education and I saw it as potentially a good professional networking tool. I still use LinkedIn today, however I don't believe I utilize it to its fullest potential, but I also am not job searching specifically. 

7. TikTok: Joined in 2022 mostly because my closest friends kept sending me video and I was tired of not viewing them through the platform itself. I use Tik Tok for food!!!! I love to cook and make new recipes, so I love to see what other individuals are doing. My algorithm also tells me I enjoy watching dog and cat videos 0 which makes sense given I have two dogs. :) 

So, there is a brief understanding and foundation to where I have been and continue to be in the social media platform world. Not too shabby for my first blog post. 


  1. Hi ALH! This post took me down memory lane. I experienced many of the social media platforms you mentioned, except I had a Twitter before Instagram and I don't have a TikTok (I think I never will). BUT funny enough...I watch some TikTok videos via Reddit...pretty funny! My first social media platform was Myspace and I loved designing my page through HTML coding as much as socializing with my classmates (I was in 8th grade when I got it). Prior to Myspace, I think I used AOL chat a lot...I wonder what that would fall networking?


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