Blog 2: Week 1

In this episode of am-I-blogging-correctly, I am going to talk about a resource - maybe it is a resource - that I found. Apparently there is a site called Social Media Today that has all the latest news on social media platforms. I was unaware that this existed, they also have social media handles to share the news directly to those platforms. 

Link for reference to the site. 

I was reading through todays news and immediately one of the top articles in the latest section stood out to me: "41% of Americans Believe They Have What it Takes to Become a Social Media Influencer".  Before even reading it, what I know for sure is that the influencer gig does not look easy. I started trying to making cooking videos on Tik Tok because so many of my buddies love the food I cook but wanted to see how I did it. Well, it is not easy to film the process, and if you do film the process, it is not easy to make it look good. Also, there are filters and songs and layouts to think about. The first one I made took me 30 minutes to put it together. I know that doesn't seem like a lot of time for someone if  this is their desired profession, but the finished product wasn't great. Then, just gaining followers or likes is an entirely different beast that you have no control over. So, maybe it is because I am in my thirties or have a full time job or get burnt out with looking at my cellphone for too long, but it is baffling that that percentage of people believe they could become an influencer, let alone have the time for it. 

Fun fact, if you read the article though, they only sampled 800 individuals, so 41% of that makes sense. 😁 One of the statistics was 9 out of 10 people follow an influencer, my question is what classifies someone as an influencer, is that up to them, or the sought after blue checks. I now will be spending the evening looking through to see how many "influencers" I follow. 


  1. You raise an interesting point that I agree with. What makes someone an influencer? Is it the number of followers? Is it a self-proclamation title? I'm sure that Google has a definition for the term, but is that even a legitimate source for a definition of something on the internet? I'm not trying to sound conspiracy-theory-driven, as I am not a subscriber to those, but it is just a thought.

  2. I agree with you on the legitimate source for definition..


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