Week 3: Communities

I am back - I survived my preliminary exam (I hope) and am now back to the uncomfortable world of blogging. I see people actually commented on my previous blogs and will have to go take a look. When I say I was off the grid last week, it was real. I only engaged on social media a handful of times to wish my nieces a happy birthday, didn't check work email AT ALL (that was a first), and didn't check into my two classes. That was as most off the grid as I have been since I became active on the internet. What a whirlwind given the connection I have with the internet now and the addition of this class where I feel like I am evaluating everything we consume on the web. 

With this weeks focus swirling around community, I remembered seeing at some point on Forbes, an article about social media and community - I found it and wanted to share it here. 

I wonder what you all think about it...


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