Week 5: Google Scholar

Given I am engaging in the ultimate Twitter challenge this week, todays hashtag got me thinking about my current favorite online tool - Google Scholar. We haven't covered it in this course yet, so I hope I am not jumping the gun, but Google Scholar has become a staple throughout my doctoral program. 

While I find the majority of my articles through online libraries and journals, Google Scholar is an exceptional extension of those options. It is a great search engine for finding articles AND case law. Given my current profession and  just general interest, I always try to read case law that might pertain to something we are experiencing in higher education or in society as a whole. 

You can go to google scholar right now and click on case law, underneath that there will be a bubble option that populates for Florida Courts. Not that we need extra reading, but I challenge you all, if you feel passionately about anything happening in our state and you want reference points to assist with your view point or any necessary argument, this is an accessible and efficient way to read up! 

Additionally, I love Google Scholar because you can create an account and a library to keep track of all articles that you may find. It is just another tool to look into and one that I use frequently.


  1. Wait i did not know that we can keep a library of the articles found on Google Scholar... Will definitely research further on that!

  2. I love Google Scholar, too, but don't usually go there in this course. Should I? (Or maybe when we get to student-issued challenges, you can come up with one!)

  3. I don't know if you would need to use it in the class. I think students can utilize for some of your assignments though. I look forward to any potential challenges. :)


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