Week 5: What Do We Use?

The continual conversation in our course and in blogs, tweets, etc. is all around what platforms are we using. With the multitude of different social media networks and professional development platforms, consistently we are reminded that the options for online communities are endless. With the endlessness that exists, each day I seem to learn about something new, an online tool that could be useful, or an entirely different way to connect through Web 2.0. 

With a new approach of trying not to be overwhelmed, I am starting to look at what I want to use, can use, or is anything worth the attention and implementation for my needs. I get so used to using and engaging in online communities that I am comfortable with using, that change in online communities can sometimes be daunting. Maybe it is the getting used to phase, or the how will this fit in to what I am already using, but I feel as though I do not take on engagement in more online communities, and if I do, it takes me a while to get used to. An example of that would be my integration into TikTok. I was a firm no person originally with the application. But my best friend would keep sending me TikToks everyday which required me to open them in a format that wasn't through the app. I finally downloaded it and tried to find my niche and way that I could utilize the app, instead of just mindless scrolling. It was almost a 6-8 month getting used to just for a social media app. 

All of this to say, I was looking for literature on what are people really using. I found an article on The 15 Biggest Social Media Sites and Apps for 2023 and thought it would be fun to share for you all. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this list! There are a few things on that list that I'm not familiar with at all - haven't even heard of them. I'm similar to you in that it takes me awhile to get used to new applications. I'm going through that right now with Twitter. Hopefully I get more comfortable with Twitter sooner than later.

  2. I feel some platform overload right now with all the new ones each week. I find what I have to be more than enough in terms of moderating my online screentime. But try to keep up where you can.


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