Week 6: Tying It All Together

I am currently wrapping up my coursework for my PhD program and just found out I passed me preliminary examination (cue the party) so I am fully in the thick of it. I realized this week that while I am coding qualitative data through the online software Nvivo, I have been utilizing the tool of mind mapping to layout my data and potential analysis. Then I was like wait, wait, one of this weeks tools is Mind Meister, which is a way to map out projects. 

Look at that connection. Who would have thought that week six would bring similar tools in different contexts to play for me. While I am utilizing them in different ways, this was a prime example of all of the different resources we have in the 2.0 metaverse. For funsies, I decided I would create a mind map using Mind Meister that would show you what I am working on for my research through NVivo - tying it all together if you will. 

Enjoy my mind map on conceptualizing the three core things that contribute to leadership identity in my participant pool with the floating item that also contributes. Courtesy of Mind Meister 


  1. First, congratulations on passing your prelim!! I haven't used Mind Meister, so I really appreciate the example that you've provided here.

  2. I second Shaniqua. Congratulations! And using a mind mapping to display your analysis is a great idea!


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