Week 7: Knowledge Sharing/Tracking Assignment Planning

Since I have now started to visual these blogs as my classroom journal - I thought what better topic to blog about then my process of planning and thinking about my knowledge sharing and tracking assignment. When thinking about two popular social media tools, I thought this would be a great opportunity to tie social media tools that I use personally to this project, that way I am not tracking added social media sites/tools which could possibly lead to burnout. 

With this in mind, I have been cognizant about recognizing which two social media sites I spend the most time on during my days and which two would be able to provide the most content for the project. Thanks to our handy dandy iphone's, it shows that my top two screentime social media site usage comes from Instagram and Facebook - to be honest I was shocked it wasn't TikTok #smallvictories

Does this mean I will be using those two, we will see, but this at least allows me to start mapping out if those two sites will provide the most useful content for the assignment. I think by investigating these two tools that I clearly already spend the most time on, I will be using my time wisely in the social media Web 2.0 world. 


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