Week 11: Reflecting

I am becoming more and more reflective as the semester comes to a close. This is my third and final summer of taking courses for my PhD program and this fall I start dissertation writing. Immediate reflections, I wish I had taken this course earlier in my program. This course is part of my outside discipline courses that I got to choose. I wish I had taken this course earlier so I could have utilized more of the Web 2.0 tools we have learned about and so that I wouldn’t have senioritis.

Yes, senioritis. The unfortunate aftermath of passing my preliminary exam and just ready to be done with coursework all together. I share this senioritis reflection with you because I believe it has inhibited me from being my best self in this course, my best learner and engager with classmates. I have engaged, I have participated, I have learned, but with a second week roadblock of an exam, a mental block pushing me towards completion, and impending soon-to-come deadlines for writing, I know I could have done better in this particular Web 2.0 sphere.

So, why am I sharing this here, this isn’t my personal blog (nor do I think I will ever have one), but it is important to me to engage with my classmates in this vulnerable way. If nothing else, to share that at some point in everyone’s learning journey you may feel as I do now, and my sincere hope is that if you do, you are in a learning environment like this one with a supportive professor and encouraging classmates. Experiencing all that Web 2.0 has to offer with all of you has made this summer worth it. Now let’s finish out – one and a half weeks to go!


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