Week 9: AI

I know that the discussion of AI has come up a lot, not only in this class, but in society right now. Currently, I am in a place where I am not engaging with any AI platforms or influences because in my current job we are actively making sure students aren't using AI software and instruments to assist them with completing outcomes, etc. 

What is interesting to me though is the presence of AI in social media and not just from a visual content side. If you all read my blogs at all, you know that I usually incorporate some article for additional reading that I have found and thought it was interesting to the topic. I found an article published in March through Forbes by an author who is the founder and CEO of a company that incorporates artificial intelligence and machine learning. The article is titled How AI Transforms Social Media 

It really takes a deeper look into the incorporation of AI in the community, which assists me with understanding the broadness and not be stuck thinking that AI in social media are just filters that give us different visual content. Also, it is like a 3 minute read, so I encourage. 😊


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