Week 9: Social Media News

Since being enrolled in this course - which has been a pleasure so far - I have been more engaged with any news about social media, platforms, Web 2.0 as a whole, and what is offered for individuals. As you all also know if you read my blog at all and saw on my post from yesterday, I always like to share the links and stories. 

This morning, when I woke for a wonderful rainy Friday, I was reading through the interwebs and stumbled upon an article posted by the Search Engine Journal 4 hours ago - so hot off the press - about 134 Social Media Statistics You Need To Know For 2023

Since we have been analyzing social media platforms and utilizing so many different tools throughout this course, I thought these statistics were fascinating, and could be interesting to some of us in the larger community. 

Earlier in the semester, I once asked in one of my blog posts what was the most used or popular social media site amongst my classmates - mine was TikTok and I think other individuals were as well. Not surprising the article above referenced TikTok as being the most popular social media platform in terms of time spent! #shocker

Anyways, it is another quick and interesting read, and I encourage everyone to give it a quick review. 

Cheers to the weekend. 


  1. Thanks a lot for the link! It triggered unexpected thoughts I wanted to share with you.
    I skimmed the article/post to get a glimpse of the current trends.
    Overall, I found this article was more a disorganized collection of interesting data than a thoughtful curated collection of information.
    By that, I mean the data could have been presented using visuals to highlight important findings for each social media tool. Also, the author could have presented data with comparisons between tools or demographics, which could have raised the interest of people looking for specific trends. Finally, I I regret the data do not include the evolution of the popularity of each tool over time and along with significant events related to Twitter's and Facebook's owners or the conditions of use of TikTok in locations outside China.

    I'm wondering whether this article/blog post could be a good way to increase the size of an audience/community. What did you think of this publication?

  2. Social media advertising is quickly becoming the only advertising that matters for the 18-35 group.

  3. Oooh. Good find. I'm actually sitting here coding interview data with undergrads and they are all talking about TikTok. So much TikTok.


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