Week 12: Twitter Follow Up

It happened - the full transition to X happened.  The following comments are my own personal feelings and beliefs towards the platform. 

  • I do not like the X, it is not Twitter. 
  • I will be getting rid of X once this class is over. 
  • I am very sad about this, and here is why...
This almost feels like the web death of Myspace, it is one of the first social media tools and platforms I used. I remember being at a conference in 2008 when their was a keynote session discussing Twitter and "what a Tweet could do for you". I remember being so confused by the concept, because it was the first of its kind. It was also crazy to think about who you could follow or tweet. Tweeting became very popular as did the baby blue bird, which I know I referenced and mourned in last weeks blog post. 

All of this rambling to say, I know that products, platforms, and offerings evolve and I welcome that - however, this is different. A company that was thriving was buried by a billionaire for no other reason than self promotion and ego. I wonder about the staff at Twitter, the engineers, marketing and design team, etc. - were voices heard, thoughts shared, do they even want to work at X now. 

All questions I will never get answered, but it is just sad to no longer see the baby blue app box on my phone and now when discussing about sharing things on social media, "tweeting" is no more...


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