
Showing posts from June, 2023

Week 7: Where Do We Get Our News

Well if you have access to the internet, you have seen by now the most recent supreme court ruling regarding affirmative action. Without engaging in a political back and forth, it had me thinking about another topic that I wanted to share in my blog journal word vomit safe zone.  Where do we get out news? I have been working from home this week due to some construction (bleh), but because of that, I have had the opportunity to have the news on in the background. So, today, I actually received the news from the news source on live TV. However, I also got a text from my partner and a ping through a social media site, all almost simultaneously. This brings about my question of how are we all getting the news and how quickly. Through multiple different ways of retrieval and the speed of all things in the Web 2.0 universe this news story in particular was probably shared in record speed.  Given that todays news came from the Supreme Court, I thought I would look and try to find som...

Week 7: Tools Tools Tools

Double blog post day, but I am IN IT!  One of the aspects I love most about this class are all of the tools we are introduced to. Whether we use them or not, we become aware of them and have an opportunity to see how they would work for us whether scholarly or professionally. If you follow my blogs at all, you would have seen last week where I became familiar with MindMeister... YOU GUYS... I love this tool and it is now saving me in a work project.  I work in Student Conduct and Community Standards and we have a pretty in depth process for all of our resolution options. We are trying to create a visual that would assist with the general functionality of all applicable processes. Ding ding ding... enter from stage left MindMeister (clap clap clap).  I have been working all morning on creating the visual and I have to say, I would have never known about this tool if not for this course. Now, I could have potentially found in through some lengthy Google searches, but what i...

Week 7: Knowledge Sharing/Tracking Assignment Planning

Since I have now started to visual these blogs as my classroom journal - I thought what better topic to blog about then my process of planning and thinking about my knowledge sharing and tracking assignment. When thinking about two popular social media tools, I thought this would be a great opportunity to tie social media tools that I use personally to this project, that way I am not tracking added social media sites/tools which could possibly lead to burnout.  With this in mind, I have been cognizant about recognizing which two social media sites I spend the most time on during my days and which two would be able to provide the most content for the project. Thanks to our handy dandy iphone's, it shows that my top two screentime social media site usage comes from Instagram and Facebook - to be honest I was shocked it wasn't TikTok #smallvictories Does this mean I will be using those two, we will see, but this at least allows me to start mapping out if those two sites will provi...

Week 6: Do We Go Too Far or Are We Connected

I know we can have many discussions on how we are influenced, impacted, engage with, or use Web 2.0 platforms, specifically social media - but this weeks Ocean Gate crisis could be a case study.  I want to preface by saying, I am not here to say what is right or wrong/good or bad, I am just hear to pose the discussion and view of the way in which the world started to participate in the no pun intended downfall of this submarine.  Since the news broke on the tourist submarine vessel not being back, social media sites erupted. From creating Twitter handles to track the oxygen ( @Titanicsub ) to TikTok videos highlighting top tweets making fun of the crew trapped inside (I will not include that, we have all seen it), it was astonishing the amount of information. This draws on my thoughts for this blog and I would be interested for anyone who wanted to contribute:  Objectively - does it show connectedness that so many people around the world can engage in conversation around...

Week 6: Tying It All Together

I am currently wrapping up my coursework for my PhD program and just found out I passed me preliminary examination (cue the party) so I am fully in the thick of it. I realized this week that while I am coding qualitative data through the online software Nvivo, I have been utilizing the tool of mind mapping to layout my data and potential analysis. Then I was like wait, wait, one of this weeks tools is Mind Meister, which is a way to map out projects.  Look at that connection. Who would have thought that week six would bring similar tools in different contexts to play for me. While I am utilizing them in different ways, this was a prime example of all of the different resources we have in the 2.0 metaverse. For funsies, I decided I would create a mind map using Mind Meister that would show you what I am working on for my research through NVivo - tying it all together if you will.  Enjoy my mind map on conceptualizing the three core things that contribute to leadership identity ...

Week 6: Bonus Reading

Hello! Another week and another blogging adventure.  This week while going through our readings, I saw we had a bonus opportunity to find a relevant article for this week and to share it with our classmates - so I thought this would be a great platform to do so, because if you follow my blogs at all, you know I am constantly sharing articles here! The article is  How Social Media is Reshaping Today’s Education System   and below is my brief takeaways from it but would love to hear your thoughts too if you want to share! This article discusses the impact of social media on the education system. It highlights not only the effects of social media, but breaks down how it enables information sharing, community-building, and positive activities among students. Overall, this article highlights how the integration of social media in education is seen as a positive change and has the potential to transform the learning experience for all students.

Week 5: What Do We Use?

The continual conversation in our course and in blogs, tweets, etc. is all around what platforms are we using. With the multitude of different social media networks and professional development platforms, consistently we are reminded that the options for online communities are endless. With the endlessness that exists, each day I seem to learn about something new, an online tool that could be useful, or an entirely different way to connect through Web 2.0.  With a new approach of trying not to be overwhelmed, I am starting to look at what I want to use, can use, or is anything worth the attention and implementation for my needs. I get so used to using and engaging in online communities that I am comfortable with using, that change in online communities can sometimes be daunting. Maybe it is the getting used to phase, or the how will this fit in to what I am already using, but I feel as though I do not take on engagement in more online communities, and if  I do, it takes me a w...

Week 5: Privacy

While this week we are discussing a variety of topics, I always tend to resonate with one and do a deeper dive. I spent a little time searching for some articles regarding privacy in Web 2.0. I came across some good articles from reputable sources which I thought would be great for sharing in a blog this week. Nothing like a little additional reading for anyone interested, but I do love sharing good content when I find it and I have started to use this blog world to do so. 😊 Article One:  How to Protect Your Digital Privacy - Shoutout to the New York Times for this piece. Article Two:  On Internet Privacy, Be Very Afraid - the Harvard Gazette is all about the spook factor with this one.  Would love to hear if anyone reads one of these what your thoughts are. The Harvard Gazette article was from 2017 so six years might seem a little dated on the topic, but still good content. The New York Times article is from 2019 so newer, but still a lot has changed since both were pu...

Week 5: Google Scholar

Given I am engaging in the ultimate Twitter challenge this week, todays hashtag got me thinking about my current favorite online tool - Google Scholar. We haven't covered it in this course yet, so I hope I am not jumping the gun, but Google Scholar has become a staple throughout my doctoral program.  While I find the majority of my articles through online libraries and journals, Google Scholar is an exceptional extension of those options. It is a great search engine for finding articles AND case law. Given my current profession and  just general interest, I always try to read case law that might pertain to something we are experiencing in higher education or in society as a whole.  You can go to google scholar right now and click on case law, underneath that there will be a bubble option that populates for Florida Courts. Not that we need extra reading, but I challenge you all, if you feel passionately about anything happening in our state and you want reference points to...

Week 4: Your Thoughts, Internet Exhaustion

 After posting my last blog and engaging in a Flickr exercise for the class it got me thinking of posting another blog with feelings and emotions to my internet exhaustion. If for no other reason to see if you all had any reactions to the posts or information shared below.. Me Right Now:  The Button I Wish I Could Hit:  In an effort to incorporate yet another class digital tool, here is a thread I found on reddit about Internet Fatigue . Does this resonate with anyone else?

Week 4: Online Life

While progressing through class this week and attempting to become more integrated in other Web 2.0 communities and content, I can't help but find it overwhelming. I think there is a reason I am fully a part of some online communities and just aware of others. Maybe it is the feeling of a need  to check in or just not having the capacity to engage across multiple platforms. I am sure there is a term for it these days and I should go search for it, but I feel exhaustion from the internet  right now. Don't get me wrong, it is a privilege to have everything in the palm of our hands, connectivity to loved ones, access to information, maps, locations, etc., but living in the space throughout the day is exhausting.  I sat outside last night and reflected on my usage of all things that are internet related throughout my day and it is no wonder I feel overwhelmed. And yes, I strategically set outside so I wouldn't be around anything streaming or playing. Below is just a snap shot...

Week 4: Badges Continued

Another week, another thought on badges.. While I was excited to receive a badge in week 3 and even nominated someone for a badge, I am still wondering if there is any real intrinsic motivation for me to obtain a badge, or others for that matter. In an effort to utilize some tools from class and work cross purposes, I found another post/article/reference about badges on LinkedIn.  What are the benefits and challenges of using digital badges to recognize volunteer learning?   What I appreciated about this discussion was the breakdown of how digital badges can effect specific areas, they highlight:  quality and credibility engagement and retention technology and accessibility flexibility and diversity and of course - motivation and recognition This is an easy 3 minute read for anyone interested. What I knew before but was reminded in this, was that badges can provide validation and some people need that validation, but it is up to individuals on whether  that can be tr...

Week 3: Free-Riders

Two blogs in one day, who am I... Last thought for the week. If you jumped on the discussion boards, you may have seen a topic about free riders. I did not engage with that topic, but I wondered what was out there in the web-o-sphere about these so-called free riders. I found at article, The Internet Shedding a Free-Rider Problem , and wanted to share it with you. If you click on the subsequent links within the article, it will take you down paths of further understanding regarding the “free-rider problem”, information about paying with your data, entitlement, and more. It even has a command to toot or tweet about it and there came my next newest discovery… What in the world is a Toot. So, I clicked it, and low and behold, it is another online community – one that I know nothing about. I am interested in knowing if any of you have ever heard of Toot?! Until next week...

Week 3: Badges

Well, I received my first badge, I guess this means it is official. I am either making it work or trying hard enough to make it work. Either way, I am pumped to receive my first badge. In that spirit, I was trying to read more online about badges and specific challenges.  In trying to tie in one of the tools  for the week, I found a quick blurb on LinkedIn that discussed the benefits and challenges of using digital badges. I have linked that article for you here.   It is an interesting take on badges in reference to recognizing competency achievement. It specifically references competency-based learning and assessment, so it expanded my knowledge and understanding in that area as well. Have a read!