Week 7: Where Do We Get Our News
Well if you have access to the internet, you have seen by now the most recent supreme court ruling regarding affirmative action. Without engaging in a political back and forth, it had me thinking about another topic that I wanted to share in my blog journal word vomit safe zone. Where do we get out news? I have been working from home this week due to some construction (bleh), but because of that, I have had the opportunity to have the news on in the background. So, today, I actually received the news from the news source on live TV. However, I also got a text from my partner and a ping through a social media site, all almost simultaneously. This brings about my question of how are we all getting the news and how quickly. Through multiple different ways of retrieval and the speed of all things in the Web 2.0 universe this news story in particular was probably shared in record speed. Given that todays news came from the Supreme Court, I thought I would look and try to find som...